What an amazing summer we have had here at West Oakville Preschool Centre!!  So many eventful things have happened here. Our wonderful parents were so very generous and donated many plants and supplies for our garden initiative in the children’s playground. We now have an abundance of zucchini, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes and chives!! The children have worked so hard to assist with the care and the upkeep of this wonderful garden.


We have also been able to enjoy the benefits of many extra-curricular activities throughout the summer months. Suzie Sunshine continues to attend our Centre every other Wednesday to explore music and movement with all of our classrooms. The children have also been exploring with different instruments! Miss. Dana form “Fit for Fun” has been joining us every Monday to teach many sports and physical activities to all of our students as well. Please feel free to check out her website www.fitforfunprograms.com. Also from our WOPC Community, we will be having some dance lessons on a bi-weekly basis! These dance lessons will be provided by a local company called “Studio X”.  We feel so very fortunate to have access to so many extra-curricular programs in our Centre. The children are definitely enjoying all of the activities provided by the programs! Thanks to “Suzie Sunshine”, “Fit for Fun” and “Studio X” for your professionalism in instilling various abilities in our little ones!!


Our playground now has a brand new fence surrounding the entire area, complete with new poles, mesh and gates! We have also purchased new bikes, sand toys and water play tables for water play days! Each classroom has been able to enjoy water play days on a weekly basis and splash in the sprinkler and wading pools.


Our Preschool Graduation Ceremony turned out to be a huge success!! The weather accommodated us for this beautiful event and we were able to welcome many extended family members for this special event. We are so very proud of all of our graduates and we know they will all soar to new heights on their journey to kindergarten!! Feel free to check out our Gallery for photos of this lovely event.


Our summer students have been a tremendous asset to the many successes at our Centre. They have played such a huge role in the children’s lives and have also helped tremendously on a professional level with administrative assistance! We are so very grateful for their continued support and contribution over the past few years. Sadly, our summer staff will be on to new adventures when they return to their schooling in September. We wish them all the very best and hope they will all be back next summer!!



In other news, we have a special announcement regarding our longest running WOPC staff member in history!! Ms. Kim, who has dedicated her life and love to West Oakville Preschool Centre since 1989 will be “hanging up her hat” on August 30th, 2024. This was a very difficult decision for Ms. Kim to make, however she is looking forward to spending precious time with her children and grandchildren. We are so very happy for Ms. Kim and we wish her all the very best. The  staff and children are going to miss her dearly. Ms. Kim has been a highly skilled, dedicated and positive member of our team. She has been an amazing mentor to all of those who have followed in her footsteps. We have been actively interviewing candidates to fill Ms. Kim’s position and will inform the parents as soon as we find a suitable replacement. I’m sure Ms. Kim could write a book with all of her memories and achievements here at West Oakville Preschool Centre!! It takes a special person with a lot of love to give to dedicate herself to an establishment of families and children for 35 years!! We hope Ms. Kim is able to enjoy some rest and quality time with her precious loved ones. Please come back to visit us Ms. Kim!!


We are very happy to announce the re-opening of our waiting list. All families are welcome to add their children to our waiting list by clicking on the link under the section titled “Contact Us”. Please help us control the amount of requests on the waiting list by removing your child off the list or contacting us to inform us if your child no longer needs the spot. Please note that once contacted, all families will have 48 business hours to respond to us to secure their child’s spot. If we do not hear from you in that time your child will be removed from the waiting list. We appreciate your understanding and co-operation as we try to minimize the amount of waiting times for families in the community.


With September approaching very soon, we are anticipating the arrival of many new children at West Oakville Preschool Centre. Our staff are prepared to ensure the smooth transition for each new student in their classroom. We encourage all newcomers to review the WOPC Parent Handbook. This can be found on our Website, and has all the information needed for new families. We look forward to inviting all of our new families to our WOPC Community!!