Happy September!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new friends and families to the Koala Room: Adrian, Mia, Jonah, Ronald, Vienna, Parker, Yohan, Linden, Ellie, Robbie and Kimia. We would like to ask that you please bring in a 4×6 family photo for our family tree at your earliest convenience. This will help your child have a visual of you while you are away at work/school/home.
We have a lot planned for our friends this September! We will be exploring many types of sensory, art, science, language & movement. We will be working with the children on how to put shoes on and take them off, saying “please” and “thank you” in context, and many more fun, exciting & engaging things!
Housekeeping Notes: Please remember to label all clothing, water bottles, shoes (indoor & outdoor), blankets, hats, soothers, sleep toys, diapers, wipes & creams. Thank you in advance, as this helps keep your child’s belongings all together, and may help to avoid items being lost.
Happy Birthday to:
Ronald (Sept. 11th), Jonah (Sept. 17th) & Ellie (Sept. 29th)