West Oakville Preschool Centre boasts home-cooked meals prepared by Wholesome Kids Catering company. With many years of experience, Wholesome Kids has been planning and preparing delicious, diverse and nutritious meals, based on Eat Well with Canada’s Food Guide. Our 4-week rotating menus are reviewed and updated semi-annually. Menus are posted in the centre and copies are available for families.
For a sneak peek at our Menus, click HERE.
Snacks include a selection of food from 3 different food groups, and lunches include all 4 food groups. Children are served both milk and water with every meal, and fresh drinking water is provided all day long

Morning Snack – served between 7:30-9:00 am
Lunch – served between 11:15-12:15
Afternoon Snack – served between 2:30-3:30 pm
Late Snack – served at 5:30 pm

Allergies and Food Restrictions
West Oakville Preschool Centre is a NUT-FREE facility. Many children and staff have life-threatening allergies to nuts and other foods, and it is our aim to ensure children, staff and families are well-informed of these allergies and work in partnership to prevent exposure to them. Families and staff are encouraged to practice good hand hygiene to reduce the chance of cross-contamination. Accommodations can be made for most allergies and food restrictions. Each program will have posted an updated list of Allergies and Food Restrictions, which lists allergen/restriction, what the signs and symptoms are of exposure, and what to do in the event of exposure. For those who are anaphylactic to certain allergens, an Emergency Plan will be developed, approved and posted in each program. All of our employees are certified in Standard First Aid and Infant/Child CPR, which includes knowing how respond to an anaphylaxis emergency!

Safe Food Handling & Sanitary Practices
Food borne illness, and exposure to food allergens, is reduced significantly by safe food handling practices. At West Oakville Preschool Centre, current valid certification, through intense training in Safe Food Handling, is held by all staff who prepare food in our kitchen.
West Oakville Preschool Centre follows all recommendations and requirements of Halton Region Public Health and the Ministry of Education with regards to sanitary practices and universal precautions against the spread of infection. Our centre is inspected, at least annually, for compliance.